
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

What and When is NX?

The internet has been in an uproar ever since Satoru Iwata casually mentioned the NX. This has resulted in a huge chunk of the gaming community assuming it is a new console and that it will launch in 2016. Some sources even point towards a July 2016 launch. (yes, it sounds just as ridiculous to me as it does to you) Well, I'm here to discuss just what the NX is and When can we expect to see it.

First thing first, we have to define just what the NX is. Both Iwata and Kimishima have stated that it is not a replacement for the Wii U or the 3DS, and its also worth noting that it was first mentioned when talking about the deal between Nintendo and DeNA. So, If it is indeed a third pillar and not at all a replacement, then I could see a 2016 release being feasible. However, If it is a console, a portable, or a hybrid, 2016 (especially July) seems highly unlikely. Nintendo has already announced some of their flagship titles for Wii U coming 2016, and there are even games like Lost Reavers, which have already had a beta in Japan, and not even released yet in the US. Also, Nintendo at the moment seems to be riding a wave of success lead by amiibos, Splatoon, and Mario Maker. It just does not seem like a wise business decision to abruptly end it all right when they're hitting their stride. A new system launch almost always ends in reporting a loss until it catches on or sells enough software to offset the cost. One source even claims Nintendo expects to sell 20 million in the first year. That is a bit ambitious, and does not sound like a console estimate.

So then what is the NX? To be honest, we have no clue. This is Nintendo we're talking about. They aren't exactly easy to predict. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say its the gaming world's equivalent to a smart device (i.e. tablet, ipod, smartphone), as it was announced during a meeting about their mobile games strategy. As far as the rumors for the console goes, maybe those are actually for the next console, but people are combining all the information they find and thinking it all referes to one thing, instead of multiple device. I honestly believe most of this is people mixing together all the news when in reality, some refers to NX, some refers to the next portable, and some refers to the next console. With a stellar line up already for 2016, and a Nintendo Direct still incoming, I expect the next actual comsole to launch in 2018. yes, 2018, not even 2017, because Nintendo has always launched their portable first, and also seem to launch the console 2 years after announcements of developer kits going out. So, Lets just see just how good I am at guessing.
Until next time: Be you. Be true. Be human.