
Monday, December 2, 2013

Is Nintendo hinting at a possible Mario and Zelda crossover game?

  It's no secret that the original Zelda was originally a different take on the save the princess idea that Super Mario Bros. made popular, and the two franchises differ wildly from each other. Mario is more whimsical and not much on the narrative side. Zelda has over the years been anime style, western fantasy novel style, and even just downright creepy (Majora's Mask). However they are both still Nintendo franchises, and they are both still Shigeru Miyamoto's babies. Recent strange coincidences and behaviors from Nintendo hint at the possibilities that they may be considering giving us a game where Link saves Mushroom Kingdom, or Mario saves Hyrule.

   One of the biggest hints was pointed out by Nintendo themselves in a Nintendo Direct. In the latest Zelda game, A Link Between Worlds, The shop owner looks a lot like nabbit from Super Luigi U. I find it hard to believe that was all just a mere coincidence, and if it was, why point it out in a direct? Also, in Super Mario 3D world, there is a stage with a giant 8bit link that even plays a remix of the Zelda theme, as well as certain sound effects that seem borrowed from zelda, and a top down stage with torches that seems reminiscent of A link to the Past's perspective. It even has torches that unlock secrets when lit.

  I know what you're thinking. "Nintendo has done this before. Mario painting are in Ocarina of Time".  Yes, this is true. Maybe they have been planning it for a while, but were still just tossing ideas around. Can we really say it is impossible? Who saw Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem coming? I personally believe the two franchises could benefit from a crossover game. It could shake up the formula and breathe new life into both. Of course, this is all just speculation on my part.

Comment, subscribe, or hit that button to buy me a taco. until next time, this is A.W.Brawler saying: Be you. Be true. Be human.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

What the hell, Gamers?

Warning this is an angry rant! Hell, this is beyond angry! What is going on here?! At First glance when I saw the numbers for the launch week of PS4 and XBox One, I was overly excited about it. That was until I noticed something truly disturbing. Call of Duty was the highest seller on both platforms? What the hell, Gamers? Isn't this supposed to be next gen? Why bother with a port? The Call of Duty obsession should die with last gen. A new generation of gaming should mean new things.

 Seriously, Am I the only person who would be completely pissed off if this gen becomes a repeat of last gen, wherein Microsoft and Sony fight over DLC rights to multiplats and shooters, while Nintendo offers the most variety in exclusives, yet is somehow discredited for it and considered casual? I mean Damn! How many different ways can you play Call of Duty? I know Pokemon is released a lot too, but at least there is years between the releases and there is noticable upgrades, and at least those gamers try NEW games and NEW ideas.
 I'm not saying that all of the PS4 and XBox One owners are Call  of Duty Dudebro gamers, but it's a sad day in gaming when 2 new consoles launch and they both have the same game as their top seller, and its a damn port that is also on last gen consoles. At least Wii U's top sellers aren't ports. They're NEW games made for the NEW hardware! What's the point of upgrading if you're still just playing what is already on the older systems? is it graphics? no slightly better graphics that the average joe can't even notice give you wood or something? This Gen is upsetting me already. E3 2014 better be a hell of a lot different than the yawnfest that was E3 2013, or I'll have one hell of a rant.