
Monday, December 2, 2013

Is Nintendo hinting at a possible Mario and Zelda crossover game?

  It's no secret that the original Zelda was originally a different take on the save the princess idea that Super Mario Bros. made popular, and the two franchises differ wildly from each other. Mario is more whimsical and not much on the narrative side. Zelda has over the years been anime style, western fantasy novel style, and even just downright creepy (Majora's Mask). However they are both still Nintendo franchises, and they are both still Shigeru Miyamoto's babies. Recent strange coincidences and behaviors from Nintendo hint at the possibilities that they may be considering giving us a game where Link saves Mushroom Kingdom, or Mario saves Hyrule.

   One of the biggest hints was pointed out by Nintendo themselves in a Nintendo Direct. In the latest Zelda game, A Link Between Worlds, The shop owner looks a lot like nabbit from Super Luigi U. I find it hard to believe that was all just a mere coincidence, and if it was, why point it out in a direct? Also, in Super Mario 3D world, there is a stage with a giant 8bit link that even plays a remix of the Zelda theme, as well as certain sound effects that seem borrowed from zelda, and a top down stage with torches that seems reminiscent of A link to the Past's perspective. It even has torches that unlock secrets when lit.

  I know what you're thinking. "Nintendo has done this before. Mario painting are in Ocarina of Time".  Yes, this is true. Maybe they have been planning it for a while, but were still just tossing ideas around. Can we really say it is impossible? Who saw Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem coming? I personally believe the two franchises could benefit from a crossover game. It could shake up the formula and breathe new life into both. Of course, this is all just speculation on my part.

Comment, subscribe, or hit that button to buy me a taco. until next time, this is A.W.Brawler saying: Be you. Be true. Be human.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

What the hell, Gamers?

Warning this is an angry rant! Hell, this is beyond angry! What is going on here?! At First glance when I saw the numbers for the launch week of PS4 and XBox One, I was overly excited about it. That was until I noticed something truly disturbing. Call of Duty was the highest seller on both platforms? What the hell, Gamers? Isn't this supposed to be next gen? Why bother with a port? The Call of Duty obsession should die with last gen. A new generation of gaming should mean new things.

 Seriously, Am I the only person who would be completely pissed off if this gen becomes a repeat of last gen, wherein Microsoft and Sony fight over DLC rights to multiplats and shooters, while Nintendo offers the most variety in exclusives, yet is somehow discredited for it and considered casual? I mean Damn! How many different ways can you play Call of Duty? I know Pokemon is released a lot too, but at least there is years between the releases and there is noticable upgrades, and at least those gamers try NEW games and NEW ideas.
 I'm not saying that all of the PS4 and XBox One owners are Call  of Duty Dudebro gamers, but it's a sad day in gaming when 2 new consoles launch and they both have the same game as their top seller, and its a damn port that is also on last gen consoles. At least Wii U's top sellers aren't ports. They're NEW games made for the NEW hardware! What's the point of upgrading if you're still just playing what is already on the older systems? is it graphics? no slightly better graphics that the average joe can't even notice give you wood or something? This Gen is upsetting me already. E3 2014 better be a hell of a lot different than the yawnfest that was E3 2013, or I'll have one hell of a rant.

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Nintendo Hybrid

  Imagine, if you will, a world in which handhelds and home consoles are one in the same. Imagine buying a new Nintendo console and also getting a handheld as well. Imagine turning off your console and fitting it into your pocket to play later away from home. Now stop imagining, because this very well could be the future of Nintendo consoles.

  Earlier this year it was reported that Nintendo's handheld division and console division merged into one building. One of the reasons cited was to further expand connectivity between console and handheld. With that said, it's a almost a no-brainer what's coming after the Wii U and the 3DS/2DS have run their course. Nintendo is aiming to create a handheld home console hybrid. Why wouldn't they? Their handheld division has always been their strongest. Even their most successful home console, the Wii, pales in comparison to the success of the Nintendo DS.  With industry analyst and everyday bloggers suggesting that Nintendo goes 3rd party or release games on the iOS market, making their next console into a hybrid that doubles as a handheld could seriously silence such asinine comments as those.

  If Nintendo realeases a hybrid for their next console, they could easily grow the fanbases of several of their handheld centric franchises. Pokemon comes to mind. Fans could finally get the home console Pokemon game they've been asking for, and when they're ready to battle, or leave the house, they just carry their hybrid with them as they would their 3DS. Even more casual focused games like animal crossing could benefit from having the portability of a handheld alongside the in home experience of a Nintendo console. Beyond just being able to game anywhere, Nintendo will no doubt add some new innovation that we never thought of. They could potentially add GPS technology, a solar energy sensor (ala solar boy django), or some other idea thats can only be described as Nintendo.

  If they do create a hybrid, there are several benefits. They could make it very affordable, due to cost being lowered. With Nintendo only pumping out hybrids instead of console and handheld, they would save a lot of resources, time, and money. They could produce games faster, since team won't have to debate about putting it on the handheld or the console. However, this hybrid would most likely have to be larger than any other handheld they ever manufactured to prevent overheating and house all this technology. It would probably at the smallest be the size of a Wii U Gamepad or Apple's iPad. The hybrid also would have to have a decent online infrastructure. It would be a waste not to. They could upgrade the miiverse to include voice chat, crossgame chat, and videochat during gameplay.  It would take a lot more effort than the average person would assume it would to get the hybrid just right, but if done right, Nintendo could dominate the home console and handheld market with a single device. 

  So I shall leave you with a little food for thought. If the Wii sold over 100 million units, and the DS sold over 150 million units, imagine how successful they would have been if combined into a hybrid somehow. This is the future console that we very well could get from Nintendo. Is your body ready?

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Wii U Has The Advantage This Holiday Season

By now there's already been thousands of articles claiming the Wii U or Nintendo as a whole is doomed. I find that a bit odd considering the 3DS has been doing great for a long while now, and the Wii U is picking up steam following it's price drop and WindWaker HD bundle. I'm not going to waste time arguing counter points against the doomsayers. Instead, I'm simply going to point out why Nintendo has a clear advantage going into this holiday season.

  The first advantage is the Wii U's price. The Wii U is effectively $100 cheaper than the nearest competitor, Sony's Playstation 4, and even comes bundles with a Zelda game. For the Price of a PS4, a potential Wii U owner could get a Wii U and 2 or more games, depending on what they buy, and for the price of an XBox One, they can get a Wii U and a 3DS/2DS to go along with it. With the majority of consumers who buy consoles during the holiday season being parents, that put Wii U in a nice position. They can buy the cheaper option, and still get the biggest titles such as Batman Arkham City, Assassin's Creed Black Flag, and Call of Duty for their child. Price will definitely give Wii U an edge.

  Another advantage is Nintendo's franchises. We all know Mario sells. Nobody can deny that. In fact 80% of Wii U owners have New Super Mario Bros. U, and a brand new 3D 4-player Mario is coming this holiday season, as well as other famous franchises like Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Mario and Sonic Olympics, and Wii Party. Ever since the announcement of Wii Sports Club, the original Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort have seen a sales spike in the US. Both Titles have made their way back into the top 20 weekly games for consecutive weeks. People are apparently preparing to take the new Wii Sports Club online and challenge the world. The biggest key to Nintendo's success this holiday is not even Wii Sports or Mario, believe it or not. the biggest key to their success is Wii Fit. If a consumer already has the Balance Board, they can effectively get Wii Sports for just $19.99 when they buy a Wii Fit Meter. Wii Fit was already a powerhouse system seller for the Wii, and now its only $20 on the Wii U. That is definitely going to sell some Wii U consoles.

  Last but not least, Wii U will be the only new console available in every major region this holiday season. Neither PS4 nor XBox One will be available in Japan this year. That gives Wii U home field advantage for this holiday. leaving the Wii U alone with no competitor except for  PSVita TV in Japan was not the best idea on their part. So with price, their storied franchises, and availability as there big advantages, The Wii U is set to have a very successful holiday 2013. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Why the PSVita TV is a good business decision

It's no secret that I am a fan of the Playstation brand, but lately I've been questioning some of their business decisions. For the life of me, I couldn't understand releasing the PS3 for $599 USD, the existence of the PSP Go, or why they've slowly started to westernize what used to be the console otaku gamers dream of. The PSvita is one of the decisions I questioned initially. Why did they release it in North America with no JRPGs whatsoever and expect it to sell? Did they forget their audience? Had Microsoft convinced them that Americans only want shooters and hack and slash? I was upset with Sony as a whole. The PSVita is a great piece of kit, but it had nothing for me to play.

It seems Sony is well aware that the PSVita is not living up to the sells expectations set by the PSP. When they first announced the PSVita TV, I was confused. Why would Sony do this? They're going to hurt the sells of their own portable. Then it hit me! If people are not buying the PSVita (Sony product) because they are buying the PSVita TV (Sony product) instead, Sony is still making money. It's a brilliant win/win idea. Say somebody wants to play a few Vita games, but don't want to shell out the money for a Vita. Well, now they have a cheaper alternative. Sure it's not portable, but it plays the games they want, plus it has other cool features such as video streaming, and the eventual PS4 functionality. It's definitely a way to cover all bases.

On top of the cheaper price point and Apple TV esque features, The PSVita TV can also be seen as the cheapest entry point to gain access to Playstation Network games. Which, in my opinion, is a great value, considering a lot of my all time favorite titles are on PSN. The only serious flaw i can see with it, is that some Vita games will not work on it, for example: Little Deviants uses the touchpad and touchscreen, So I'm fairly certain that won't work on it. Still, that's just a minor sacrifice for what you get out of this box. I look forward to it's realease (assuming it comes to the US) and would like to see Nintendo and Microsoft's response to this superb idea.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Who is Pokemon Bank aimed at?

In a recent Nintendo Direct, GameFreak announced a new service that will launch alongside Pokemon X and Pokmen Y. That service is called the Pokemon Bank. It is a cloud based storage system that allows you to store up to 3,000 Pokemon in 100 boxes. When I first heard this, I assumed it was aimed only at the type of trainers who have huge collections, and those who EV and IV train their Pokemon into perfection, but maybe I was a bit too quick to judge.

First off, this is a subscription based service, as to be expected of anything dealing with cloud. There will be an annual fee that has been revealed to be only 500 yen, so I would imagine that is around $5 in the US. There will be a trial mode available for those who wish to test it out. In the direct, they talked about storing Pokemon in the bank for years and eventually passing it on to a child or friend. Back when I was PGX, I would have loved a feature like this to store all my eeveelutions. Even before I retired and sold off my Pokemon Diamond game, this could have came in handy. If it existed then, I could have stored my Pokemon in the bank, and eventually transferred them over to X and Y. You see, its not just the collectors that could make use of the Pokemon Bank, but the average trainer as well. If this is to be an ongoing sevice for generations of Pokemon to come, I'd gladly invest a measly $5 a year to keep my Pokemon in safe keeping. Even if you Download the digital version and lose your save data, at least you can keep your banked Pokemon. I forsee people abusing the bank to get all 6 starters in this game. 

So in the end, Pokemon Bank is a great forward thinking idea, that can really add a whole other level of personalization to your Pokemon experience. Seriously, what trainer wouldn't want to pass down his most prized Pokemon to his or her child and tell the stories of all the great battles they had years ago. That aspect alone is tempted me to come out of retirement for one more go at the competitive world of Pokemon. Well, what are your thoughts? Leave your comments below.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Super Smash Bros. Wii U may be the best in the series

unless you've been burried under a rock, you know that Nintendo is releasing a 4th Smash Bros. game for both the Wii U and 3DS in 2014. As per the writing of this article, Villager, Megaman, and Wii Fit Trainer have been announced as the latest Newcomers. It's also been stated that there will be no story mode this time around, but I have not doubts whatsoever, that this will be the best Smash Bros. game ever.

  First of all, Sakurai and his team seem to be really dedicated to balancing the game out as much as possible. This will make the game more enjoyable for competitive tournament players, and those who just play for fun with weapons galore, such as myself. very little if any talk of weapons has been mentioned so far, but if the character balancing is any indication to go by, there will probably be less Smart Bomb type items this time around. Some would argue that a lot of the items in Brawl were over powered, so here's hoping they balance that out along with everything else.

 The next thing that can really make this Smash Bros. the best one yet, is the character roster. Sakurai is looking to cut down on clowns and dud characters like Rob the Robot (shudders....) Yes, yes, I know Villager and Wii Fit Trainer aren't exactly known for being fighters, but for what's been shown, they seem to be formidable opponents. The roster is being chosen very carefully, as to appeal to every demographic that is even slightly interested in Smash Bros. That has to be a plus, right?

  Last but definitely not least, is the portability. This will be the first ever Smash Bros. game to be on a portable, the 3DS (or 2DS if you prefer that). If Nintendo are smart, they will find some sort of way to have some form of interactivity between the 3DS and the Wii U version of the game. You can finally falcon punch somebody on a bus (assuming C.Falcon returns) and not get arrested for doing so. As long as the online is smooth and better than the lagfest that was Brawl, its sure to be a hit.

 So with all of this going for it, Super Smash Bros. 4 (thats what I'm calling it) is set to shatter all of our expectations in a good way and deliver a superb, zany, quirky, tightly balanced, fighting game that we all want. Make it happen Sakurai. My Body Is Ready.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Homebrew Channel will keep the Wii alive longer than the HD consoles

This generation of gaming has finally drawn to a close with the Wii leading the way with over 100 million units sold. This gen is also significant as being the generation that sold the most software and hardware ever. The audience was definitely expanded. However, even though this generation is all but over with PS4 and Xbox One coming this holiday season, I have reason to believe the Wii will continue to sell long after the competition stops manufacturing Xbox 360 and PS3.

 The Wii, while currently the lowest selling console on a weekly basis, is the console that I believe will last the longest. It's the top seller for one, and it has a little something called the Homebrew Channel (Granted you know how to exploit the hack) which makes it a go to console for people looking to playing Free Games! It's no secret that the Homebrew channel was a factor in the Wii dominating this generation. Its the cheapest, it introduced motion controls, and it had Homebrew that let gamers play all kinds of roms and actual retail games for free.

  While I do not condone pirating retail games at all, I do know many gamers who did just that, and were able to play every single game they wanted on the Wii, for free. In this age where everyone is used to free to play and 99 cent iphone games, a console having free games is sure to stay around longer than one with $60 and $70 games. Another factor for my theory is that the owners of the Xbox One, thus abandonning the 360 and PS3. this will leave Wii as the last console standing, and when it eventually drops to $99 or less, it will probably reach DS sales numbers, or close to it. There's still to times when the Wii spikes and outsells the Wii U, and there are still applications being made for the homebrew channel. I believe the Wii has a long life ahead of it, as long as Nintendo doesn't pull the plug.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Why is America so anxious to see Nintendo fail?

At some point, I'm not exactly sure when, American gaming media decided to hate Nintendo and wish death upon the company. If I had to guess, I'd say it was midway through the Gamecube's run. It somehow became the cool thing to do. If you want to be part of the cool gamers crowd, you have to hate Nintendo. 

  This type of thinking, in my opinion, is anti-gaming. If you love gaming, and all that it stands for, you shouldn't hate any console manufacturer, especially Nintendo. They've been changing things up since the NES days. Of the 3 major console developers, Nintendo is the only company who's controllers are all noticeably different from the previous console. SEGA used to do the same thing when they were in the console business, because this was a good thing. changing up the controller introduces new ways to play and new ways to interact with your games. How dare the media hate the Wii, but tried their hardest to hype Kinect and Move? How dare they complain about Nintendo milking franchises, but turn a blind eye to the fact that there are more Halo and Uncharted games last gen than main series Mario games? Why is it Nintendo they target? 

  At first I believed it to be simply because they are a Japanese company. Maybe that argument would hold water, if the American media wasn't kissing Playstation's ass almost as much as Xbox's. They only answer I ever get from Nintendo haters is the same repeated uninformed nonsense such as "They're for kids." "Nintendo doesn't make hardcore games." or "I'm sick of Mario and Pokemon." They couldn't be more wrong. Despite the Wii's image last gen, it was home to the three most over the top mature titles and even a game that was almost banned. If they're sick of Mario, don't buy it. Nintendo makes loads of other franchises. They even showed of a new JRPG code named "X" at E3, and there are several rumors floating around about Shigeru Miyamoto revealing a new game soon, and Nintendo obtaining the rights to Baten Kaitos. Yet, it seems like no matter what they do, American media hates them. This is not the case in their homeland of Japan. Pick up any magazine like Famitsu, and you see high review scores, positive Nintendo articles, and praise for DragonQuest X, which is Nintendo exclusive. 

  So Why the hate here? What Did Nintendo do to America? Even The Wii and the Wii U's image is warped into something that they're not here in the US. It's shocking how few people know any game that I mention when they ask me what do I play on the Wii. They expect me to say Wii fit, Wii sports, and Mario, but instead are baffled when I name The Conduit, Red Steel 2, Monster Hunter Tri, No More Heroes, Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World, The Last Story, Xenoblade, and games of that nature. The Wii U seems to be Nintendo's best shot at regaining the respect of the American media, and With games like Watch Dogs, Bayonetta 2, Deus Ex, and the ever so popular Call of Duty, Its seems they have a fair shot. With America already trying to claim the Wii U as a failure, will it even have a chance to get out of the Hater's bracket?  Only time will tell.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Gamers DON'T determine the winning console

There was once a time where gamers determined what the top selling console was. Yes, in its infancy, game sells relied almost entirely on the gamer. Ever since the days of the Playstation, well before the Wii, casual players and non-gamers entered the market in huge waves. Sure, we as gamers love our action/adventure, RPGs, shooters, Hack and Slash, etc, but its the casuals that boost the sales of any given console into the 100 millions. 

Let's examine the most recent generation of games as an example. The Wii was the clear winner saleswise, yet the average "hardcore" gamer seems to have a serious disdain for it, claiming it to be the casual, or kiddy console. An incorrect view of the console, but if we look at what games sold the most, we see games aimed at casuals, such as Wii Sports and Wii Fit at the top of their charts. I know we can look at the Call of Duty games and say they sell a lot too, but in comparison to a game that both gamers and average joe's play, such as Mario Kart wii, Those numbers are small.

The same thing will happen with this generation. the landscape of gaming has changed. Why else would the XBox One come with Kinect packed in? Though we are the ones who buy more games and keep the industry afloat, we are but the minority when it comes to deciding which console will have the largest install base. Throughout video game history, you can see that the highest seller has always been the one with the most casual games. Us gamers are here to stay, but to think that we are the deciding factor for who wins a supposed console war, is far from the truth. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper Review

 Ah yes, the kings of hack and slash, Tecmo Koei have done it again. Originally released on the PS3 and XBox 360, Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper has bonus content, new characters, and new game modes. As far as story goes, a Hydra is summoned causing a rip in the space time continuum which calls for some of histories greteast warriors from Achilles to Zhang He to band together and take him out. 

Any fan of the series knows how these games work. You're tasked with missions and sidequests as you fight your way through legions of enemies. The first stage alone I had to kill off over 1500 enemies. each character has their own unique fighting style and there are plenty to choose from, so you are sure to find someone to fit your play style (I prefer Xing Cai for her auto parry ability) to ensure you're able to take on the swarms of enemies. Completing missions also unlocks cards that you can use in Duel Mode to battle against friends, locally, or strangers over the Nintendo Network.  There's also a level editor that lets you download and play stages edited by others, as well as edit your own and post them for others to try their luck at.

Content is king in this game. From the huge roster of playable characters, weapons, and outfits, to the multiple game modes and online features, this is easily one of the most underrated games in the Wii U library. No it's not perfect, but this game is definitely one to pick up and a great starter for newcomers to the series. Just, by all means, avoid the Chaos difficulty setting. I give Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper for the Wii U a 8.5 out of 10.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Wii U's Secret Weapons

  The Wii U has been getting a lot of flak lately, but it seems that the gamers on the interwebz have forgotten almost everything that Nintendo said at E3 2012. The Wii U has a few secret weapons ready to use that will create unique, innovative ways to play games, and boost its appeal to the hardcore crowd, as well as the casuals.

  Did everyone just forget about the Gamepad's NFC features? Seriously! This alone can lend to some pretty awesome game ideas. This could be used with figurines, trading cards, and all sorts of other trinkets. Imagine a Yu-Gi-Oh! game or a Baten Kaitos game that actually uses cards. The possibilities are endless with this one.

  Another Secret weapon is the mic thats built into every Wii U Gamepad. Nintendo Land has already shown that the mic can be used for gameplay by having you blow into it to activate certain parts on DK's Crash Course. The Nintendo DS made use of a mic as well, albeit limited. With the power of the Wii U, this feature should be able to be put to great use.

  The Camera in another weapon in the Wii U's arsenal. We know it has some level of face recognition, because we all used it to make a mii or two. So Imagine a horror game that takes your face and puts it in game, or a game that uses the camera to place a picture of you on the TV screen with some creepy effects like making a zombie appear behind you. Yes we know its fake, but that would certainly cause some of us to look behind us or even scream like a coward.

  Multiple Gamepads is another of it's war horses. Did everyone forget that Reggie Fils-aime got on stage and proclaimed that future games will make use of multiple Gamepads. I could see that going to use in RPG. Maybe even have the two players with the Gamepad go through different dungeons at the same time, and meet up in the middle some how, or even have it where both players are in the same room, but see different things on their Gamepads. sort of like a parallel world where player 1 affects player 2's world  through his actions and player 2 does the same.

  Last but certainly not least is the Wii remote plus. Reggie also said that their may be Wii U games that use the Wii remote. Sword play in games such as Red Steel 2 and Skyward Sword showcased how the Wii remote could make swashbuckling all the more engaging. Also, If i do play a shooter, I prefer the accuracy of a Wii remote over analog sticks. The Wii remote isn't dead just yet, so don't count it out.

  With these secret weapons in its arsenal, I can see a future full of varied games and unique and creative ideas coming from the Wii U. If Nintendo and 3rd party developers can make use of all of these features, the Wii U could end up with a library of games more unique and varied than any console before it. Is your body ready?

Monday, July 8, 2013

Miiverse trolls are pathetic

There's just something sad about a Miiverse troll. I mean its comical even. If you hate the Wii U so much, why are you on the Miiverse whining about it? Oh wait! Let me rewind a bit. The Miiverse is a social network of sorts built into the Wii U. It can be accessed on the web, but get this, you have to have a Wii U to even create an account.  let that soak in for a minute.  mmmmhmmm. See why I say they are pathetic? You're level of hate has to be pretty strong to go buy an atleast $300 machine just to hate on the Wii U, or actively find someone with a Wii U and make an account on their's just to hate.

It's truly pointless. What's the purpose? Do they not realize they are on the Miiverse, which is about 80% Nintendo gamers, 20% newbie gamers, neither of those crowds care about what they have to say. The Nintendo fans love their Wii U, and a few words from a troll won't change that. The Newcomers are just checking out the scene and getting advice and tips on what to try from the Nintendo fans. So what are the trolls doing, other than wasting space and getting shut down by a throng of fans with facts to back up their claims. Well, trolls, enjoy your pathetic existence on the Miiverse, just know that for each troll that joins Miiverse, thats another sell for the console that you loathe. Happy Gaming!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

I want a Sgt.Frog game for Wii U

Anybody who has seen the Keroro Gunsou anime, (Known as Sgt.Frog in the US) probably already know why i want this game on the Wii U, and why i want it to be released in North America. The Wii U Gamepad could easily lend itself to this franchise, with Kululu's gadgets, the Kero ball, or even use it as a second screen when sending drones to check various locations out while The Sgt. is safe in his little room.

The story definitely should be an original one instead of following the manga or anime, because we've been there and done that. The show is so goofy and wide open, that it should be easy to create a believable storyline for the game to take place. It could be an RPG, a beat em up, even a party game would work well with the Wii U. I can't be the only person who wants to be able to access all of Giroro's weapons on the fly, or change Keroro's outfits on with a simple touch of a screen.  They could even add in parts where you have to play as Fuyuki, Momoka, or Natsumi. There have been a few games on DS and PSP starring the kerons, so they are no slouches in the video game world. I want this game to be made, and I want it localized for a US release.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Last Story is IttyBittyTitty City

Normally this wouldn't even bother me. But 2 hours in i chased around some dang birds to get invisible armor only to realize EVERY DAMN WOMAN IN THE GAME IS FLAT CHESTED! Don't let the cutscenes or the concept art fool you. When you go to change armor colors or see them in game, the women are flat as Yurick. Why even give me the option for invisble armor? You know if you give a guy that option he's going to be expecting some big knockers, not these little ittybittytitty women. Hell, I hate Princess Peach, but even she has bigger boobs than syrenne. Who's idea was the invisble armor? Was it some sick joke? What the hell? Nobody alive can be satisfied with those little mosquito bites. Again, normally I don't care about small breasts, but damn it. They made me work for those only to be rewarded with flatzilla. I'm convinced they could all run around bare chested and it still be rated T for Teen because it would be just like looking at a guy's chest! Argh! Pissed me the heck off! Its still an awesome game and I love it, but damn it, if there is a sequel they better at least give an NPC some boobs.

Captain Falcon needs his own RPG!

We all love Captain Falcon, just admit it. We all love to hear him scream "Falcon Punch!" before punching somebody with and explosion of fire shaped like a falcon. So then, why hasn't Nintendo made an F-Zero spin off game where you play as Captain Falcon? I'm fairly certain that a game where you play as Captain Falcon and save Mute city from the likes of DeathBorn and Black Shadow would be perfect on the Wii U.

    Think about it for a minute. It could be an open world sand box type game, and you use the blue falcon to drive from location to location in epic F-zero race style. Also, there can be missions where you walk around and beat up thugs and Falcon Punch and Falcon Kick your way to victory as you level up and learn new Falcon moves.  The gamepad can even serve as a map in the overworld, and be used for stats and center scripted events throughout the  game. There could be a chase scene where the gamepad is used to defuse a bomb, repair the blue falcon while in a burning building, or even as a skype type of voice chat during driving sequences that in game characters use to contact you for side quests or main missions. 

   As for as story goes, I would really prefer Intelligent Systems write the story for the game. They've provided some of the best stories in all of gaming with their Fire Emblem games. I'm fully confident that they can take Captain Falcon and the F-Zero world and craft a very compelling gritty hardcore adventure that is worth of the awesome Captain Falcon. It could be something involving the plot from the anime, GP Legend, or it could just flesh out the ideas that were presented in F-Zero GX for the Gamecube. Also, they should get SEGA for the soundtrack. The music played during the cutscenes in GX were superb, and I'm pretty sure we can all agree Captain Falcon's song is pretty catchy. Nintendo,make this game happen! The fans will love it!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Why Harvest Moon needs to come to Wii U and not Rune Factory.

You Read that title correctly. Harvest Moon Needs to make its way to the Wii U. I love the Rune Factory series, but there needs to be a return to form for the Wii U, and the Gamepad lends itself perfectly to the series. It could be used for inventory, conversation logs when trying to woo a potential wife, cow milking mini game, or cheese making, washing your sheep, status and health bars. The possibilities are endless. I also see Harvest Moon having a big community on Miiverse. If Natsume knows what they are doing they could combine miiverse with online capability and maybe even start a trade system. Miiverse would be chocked full of people trading goods and selling and auctioning livestock to better their farms. This game needs to happen, and it needs to happen yesterday! MAKE IT HAPPEN, NATSUME! I could use a little dose of "Serious Fun" on my Wii U.

Will X mark the spot with this One?


XBox oh how you've come a long way. It seems like just yesterday you were that weird little black box with the odd name that I laughed at. Who'd have guessed that Microsoft would create a console that set the gaming world ablaze? Or should I say the western gaming world? Yes, Xbox with all its merits, can't seem to make a dent in the asian markets.
      The main thing keeping the XBox brand from making an impact in the east side of the world, is the same thing that makes Nintendo so lovable. That's right. Just as I said Nintendo is unapologetically Japanese, XBox is proudly and painfully American. I have no doubt that XBox One will sell in America, but right now the features and games shown just are not hitting the spot for my admittedly asian-esque taste in games. If microsoft wants to hit it out of the park with this one, they have to be able to appeal to more than America, UK, and Canada. I am convinced that halfway through the 360's run, Microsoft just said "screw it!" and gave up on Japan. To make matters worse, the majority of the fan base agrees with that idea and thinks Japan just hates American products. If that were even remotely true, Apple products wouldn't be so big over there.

   Microsoft has to be able to sell in Japan and other asian countries if they want to be the top console. The Xbox One could possibly be the console that gives the XBox brand a fighting chance in Japan. Granted it still seems aimed more at American s with its features and the majority of its games, there are a few that stand out and seem like they will appeal to an Asian  audience, such as Spark. If Microsoft can get exclusive RPGs, adventure, platform, or even RTS games, it could help their stance. It is imperative that the XBox One sells more than just 1 million in the Asian territories if it wants to be the dominant console, and the only way to do that is with Games!!!! 3's a charm right? Your move, XBox, will X mark the spot this time?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gimme some MMO

Let me just start by saying "I freakin love The World of Magic" but i can't help but wonder why portable MMOs are exclusive to smartphones and tablets? I'm fairly certain the PSVita and Nintendo 3DS can play MMO games like that. Who wouldn't want to play Pocket Legends or something of that nature on their handheld?

I thought long and hard about why we do not have MMOs on dedicated handhelds, and the only reason i could think up was lack of 3G or 4G, but then why not just use the Wifi? The 3DS even has a whole other screen to handle stats and quick magic. Do developers like Com2Us hate handhelds? Are they intimidated by dedicated gaming platform? Did Apple pay them off? There has to be some deeper reason as to why we don't have MMOs on handhelds. The ability to use physical buttons could greatly enhance The World of Magic. Rendering it in glasses-free 3DS would be a nice touch too. Maybe even use the PSVita's power to enhance the graphics and speed of the game. Whatever the reason may be, they need to work it out.

There does seem to be hope this gen, however. The big 3 showed a lot of support for indie developers and mobile game developers. Could this be a sign of  possible MMOs coming to a handheld near you? What do you think? Should PSVita and Nintendo 3DS get games like The World of Magic and Pocket Legends? Feel free to comment.

Just wanted to share one of my favorite video game songs of all times. It gets stuck in my head and randomly makes me smile like a fool. its a feel good type of song. Hope you enjoy.

Wii got U covered.

 Since its launch, or even before then, The Wii U has been the victim of much criticism. The media argued that Wii U would be for the casuals, then they argued it wasn’t casual enough with Nintendo Land. the argument soon became that the Wii U doesn’t know who it is appealing to and that it has an identity crisis. well, I am here to let you know that all of those views are wrong. Nintendo knows exactly what they are doing with the Wii U. They are doing what they have always done, and that is try to appeal to everyone rather than just one particular crowd.
   The media, (the more western portion anyway) tries to make the Wii U out to be some sort of child toy or lesser than the upcoming PS4 and Xbox One. This is due mainly to the fact that shooters have become the main focus in the western audience, and Nintendo is unapologetically Japanese just as it has always been. Most of the people saying that Nintendo has changed or that they have abandoned their fans, refuse to see the truth, which is the game industry has changed, but Nintendo remained the same. There was once a time where adventure games, RPGs, and platformers were big. That is the time when Nintendo was still considered cool. For comparison sake, Call of Duty is now a big name in the game industry and kids grow up playing Black ops  and Modern Warfare these days, as opposed to playing Mario and Zelda. How can The media write off Nintendo as ignoring it’s fanbase, yet ignore the fact that Playstation purposely ignored some of the franchises that made it famous? Am I the only one that noticed that Spyro games (skylanders included) are now getting advertised more as Nintendo console games even though they began life on Playstation? What about Crash Bandicoot? He’s seen his share of Nintendo exclusive releases, and not a word was said.
  With E3 behind us, Nintendo is now making it very clear who they are pitching their games at, which, I repeat, is everyone. They’ve shown off Bayonetta 2, and the new Monolith RPG known only as X , and Smash Bros. for the hardcore crowd, Wii Fit U and Wii Party U for the casual gamers, and Mario Kart 8, and Super Mario 3D worlds for the mixture of the two. With Mario, Donkey Kong, Pikmin 3, and wonderful 101 all coming before christmas, I find it hard to see how anyone can say Nintendo has forgotten their fans, or is only for the casuals now. It’s gotten so ridiculous that even Reggie Fils-aime himself has gone on the record saying that he doesn’t know why the media say the things they say about Nintendo. One thing is for certain, when the Wii U is set and done, the media will be singing a whole new tune about Nintendo, and if not, the fans certainly will be. There are some big shockers headed our way, wait and see.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Yoshi's Big BreakBreak

Yoshi had been Mario's loyal guardian and ride since before we even knew he existed. He's literally been there for the Mario Bros. Since birth. (Just ignore the fact he was nowhere in Mario 1-3) Over the years this lovable dinosaurs has amassed many fans,  myself included but as a Yoshi fan I can admit  his games have went downhill since the SNES days with the exception of the Yoshi's Island on the Nintendo DS.

The problem seems to have started in the Nintendo 64 days. If you're  a true fan,  you can admit. Yoshi Story was not one of his shining moments. It was simplistic,  had a God awful song that played between chapters, and lacked the charm of the Yoshi's Island games. It seems as if Nintendo had no idea what to do with Yoshi. He had a horribble tilt and play type game on the Gameboy Advance, and a glorified tech demo on Nintendo DS. However, all hope is not lost.  The Nintendo DS did redeem Yoshi a bit with a very solid and challenging Yoshi's Island game and there is a promising yarn Yoshi game coming to Wii U.

This is the year of Luigi according to Nintendo's own president, Satoru Iwata, but this could very well be Yoshi's big year! I can actually say I've been hype for a new Yoshi game 2 times in a row now. It seems Nintendo is out of whatever rut they were in with Yoshi,  and my favorite green dinosaur lizard dragon thingie is back on the rise. True he didn't  have as many bad games as my favorite blue hedgehog,  but he certainly was heading that way. I hope this wave of good Yoshi games continues and he also finds his way onto the Nintendo 3DS. As for now,  I will impatiently await the Wii U title and hope for a demo before release to tide me over. LONG LIVE YOSHI!