
Monday, September 24, 2012

Why I hate Call of Duty but love Halo



I'm not going to sugar coat it, I'm going to come out straight and say it: I hate Call of Duty. I am not really that big of a fan of FPS games in general, because i like to be able to see my character, so that i don't get stuck when trying to run up stairs. Then why do I love the Halo series? It single handedly sparked the FPS revolution that this current gen has taken way over board, yet I love it. Why? Why do I love the game responsible for making so many developers churn out generic shooters to try to best it?

The answer is simple. Even though Halo is indeed an FPS, it's still slightly otaku with all of its sci fi goodness. There's even an anime adaptation of it. I love science fiction, and Halo is a prime example of how to do sci fi right in a video game. Everything from The story, to the weapons, to even the races of aliens was done perfectly. I watched a documentary about Halo 2, and the developers said they start every morning by weeping at their desk. That is dedication, and you can tell there is a lot of passion and thought put into each game. Even the ones that i didn't like too much (Halo 3 and Reach) you could tell they put a lot of effort into it.

Call of Duty on the other hand, is just your generic war story.No aliens, no futuristic weapons, nothing inspiring with the stories. Hell, I can't even say they put a lot of passion and effort into it. They release at least one game every year, and there is very little difference if any between each iteration. Call of duty, in my opinion, is just a glorified Versus mode with a slapped together story to appeal to mainstream gamers and even casuals who get flooded by the advertisements for it. Call of Duty is the one game that I hope dies off or maybe get better and stop releasing every year before the next gen starts. It's like gaming isn't about quality with them anymore, they just won't as many sells as possible, so they just churn out as many as they can.

When you compare the two, nobody can deny that the Halo series is just a better series hands down. So at the end of the day I love Halo because it is full of creativity and innovation, and I hate Call of Duty because its just redundant generic war shooters every single year.

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